Saturday, November 7, 2015

Salon Seudun Sanomat - Sanomalehtihahmot

Characters populating the front page of SSS Plus subscribers paper, and a page for price guide brochure - one of my personal favourites - got to indulge my packaging design and store display affections.

"Sanomalehtihahmot" ("Newspaper characters") was the name I personally used of these 'stock characters' for Salon Seudun Sanomat company's brand image materials. Quick to modify and to put together, they were created to be used in various marketing materials in a moments notice (as was often the case). Featured in ads, page fillers, collaborational ad campaign designs, article illustrations, subscription campaign letters and cards, netbanners, the annual media info and price guide brochures, greetings and possibly even one wedding card as well (at least it was commissioned). The characters may also have spread out to other papers as I was leaving the company - last project with them was for a collaborational nationwide ad campaign for regional newspapers.

"Marriage of physical and digital papers"; couple decorating the covers of the annual SSS price guide brochures in 2013 and 2014.

The characters in page filler illustrations for real estate pages. I've always been oddly fond of the staircase one. Can't recall what the figure skating character was for.

Characters as "Paikallislehtiperhe" ("Local papers family") - to appear in various colors for each of the eight local newspapers under Salon Seudun Sanomat company. Characters voting on various elections over the years, and representing actual persons on a wedding invitation.

Scenes of price guide brochure illustrations and a gift subscription advert with SSS logo elements.

Characters appearing in various ad series: "SSS in daily life" TV-page fillers, front page ad space fillers and a nationwide ad campaign for regional newspapers.

Characters portraying actual persons in Christmas greetings for SSS Media marketing and customer service teams, representing official sector professions in an illustration for an article on co-operation negotiations and a rare occasion of Otso Salkkari appearing alongside with the characters in ads for annual Lasten Laulukaupunki children's music event.

"Subscribtion help" for newspapers subscribtions service ads. The characters as "family Salonen" for a board game themed ad campaign for Salo local stores. In a springtime subscription offer campaign with SSS logo patterned flowerfield.

Characters appearing with readers in series of subscription campaign adverts.

The characters also made few world wide appearances completely outside their usual field of local newspapers and marketing, in strips of Lightning Made of Owls collaborative online comic project in 2009.

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